Hello, nice to meet you. I am Gopel!Hey! I'm a front-end web and mobile developer with a passion for turning beautiful designs into user-friendly apps. I really enjoy coding because, let's be real, it just looks cool to me, haha. When I'm not busy with code, you'll probably find me out exploring nature on my motorcycle ─ it's the perfect escape!
Some of My Selected Works


Periplus online bookstore, 10k+ total downloads.

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Google Play Store IconGoogle Play Store Icon
  • Figma, Flutter, Firebase, Midtrans

Periplus Human Capital

An application for employee management, mainly for employee attendance. Published privately on App Store and Play Store.

  • Figma, Flutter, Firebase, Geolocation
Login PageHome PageAttendance PageAttendance Form PageNotification PageProfile Page

Multi Piranti Jaya

Profile company website of Multi Piranti Jaya.

  • React JS, MUI, Wordpress, Javascript
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Stack Overflow is best known for its public Q&A platform, which attracts millions of visitors every month who come to ask questions, learn, and share technical knowledge.

  • More than 700++ reputation

    Actively answers for questions on stackoverflow. And due to over 500 reputaion, i have side quest that review other use question/answer for give some feedback, such as what question/answer that can be improved or if the question/answer not easly can be understood by other user i can give a feedback that how the question/answer can be more easly understood by other.

  • 50+ Answer and question

    Most answer and question are in flutter section, but does not close for other parts of discussion.

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GitHub is a proprietary developer platform that allows developers to create, store, manage, and share their code. It uses Git to provide distributed version control. It is commonly used to host open source software development projects.

  • Open issue on open source project

    Most project that i had openned the issue are open source project that i used in my project. If the project that i had opened an issue doesn't mantained anymore, and my project needed so much, then i fork the repo and fix it by myself for my project.

  • Contribute on open source project

    I contributed to some open source project that related with my expertise as a frontend developer such as npm package (npmjs.com) and flutter package (pub.dev).

"When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love."

— Aurelius, Marcus

Built in Next JS and pure css. Deploy on Vercel. Made with ❤

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