Inventory system website based on ReactJS and Ruby.
Inventory system website based on ReactJS and ExpressJS.
My team project at first year in collage. Goras Ludo Games is a board game that is similar to playing snakes and ladders.
Actively answers for questions on stackoverflow. And due to over 500 reputaion, i have side quest that review other use question/answer for give some feedback, such as what question/answer that can be improved or if the question/answer not easly can be understood by other user i can give a feedback that how the question/answer can be more easly understood by other.
Most answer and question are in flutter section, but does not close for other parts of discussion.
Most project that i had openned the issue are open source project that i used in my project. If the project that i had opened an issue doesn't mantained anymore, and my project needed so much, then i fork the repo and fix it by myself for my project.
I contributed to some open source project that related with my expertise as a frontend developer such as npm package ( and flutter package (
"When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love."